“You don’t want to be the world’s best kept secret,” says Kate Moodley, a personal branding specialist, speaker and author.
“Learn to be comfortable marketing yourself. Selling yourself with confidence, without arrogance is a key part of your personal brand-building strategy,” she says in an interview with Xtraordinary Women.
Moodley has penned a book on the topic ‘I Inc Be The CEO Of Your Brand’. The book looks at the secrets behind some of the world’s biggest brands and provides strategies that individuals can use to achieve similar success.
Moodley is also a respected business woman and runs her own Discovery Consultant Services (DCS) franchise branch under the Discovery umbrella.
In 2016, Moodley was recognised as one of the leading franchise directors within the DCS at the Discovery Awards. In 2017 she was a finalist in the third annual Veuve Ciquot Elle Boss Awards which celebrates excellence by women in business and the corporate world.
Here are 5 more lessons from Moodley to finally achieve your goals this year.
1. Don’t Wait For Opportunities To Come To You
“I wasn’t willing to wait ten years for a promotion, or for something to happen to me. I needed to go out and make it happen. Some things take time and patience and strong foundations, but there’s no reason why you can’t go out and upskill yourself to fast-track your career trajectory. I was GM at Momentum when I was 26, and it was because I went out and taught myself the skills I needed to fill that role.”
2. Expect Challenges
“If you know you’re doing the hard things and not the nice things, you’re probably on the right track. Where you put effort in is where you’ll see the rewards.”
3. Don’t Waste Time
“If you read up on how Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and their peers view their time, you’ll see that they never, ever waste it. It’s a finite resource and they treat it as such. They don’t squander valuable seconds and minutes on tasks that are not worth their time.”
4. Look To Solve Challenges
“Challenges won’t just go away. You need to address them so that you can move on. It’s an integral part of being solutions- orientated as well.”
5. Give 100%
“I don’t believe that work/life balance exists, but I do believe in giving 100% to whatever you are doing in that moment: Work, family – whatever it is. Be completely present and focused. The quality of the time you put in is far more important than how much time you give something.”